Strony podobne do Parkavechurch.Org
Park Avenue United Methodist Church
opis: Minneapolis. Worship schedule, profile of the pastor, staff photo directory, monthly calendar, information on community involvement and missionary support, audio sermon archive.
Popularne wyszukiwania: parkavechurch
Ocena strony:
3.0 / 5.0, przeglądowi przez Sites Like Search
język: English
tematy stron: religion
Crookston Wesley United Methodist Church - Crookston, MN
Ocena strony:
3.0 / 5.0, język: English
Offers community events, directions, church life, joys and concerns, pastors corner, calendar, web links and contact.
Ocena strony:
3.0 / 5.0, język: English
Provides brief history, general information, pastor's page, upcoming events, calendar and contact.
Ocena strony:
3.0 / 5.0, język: English
Find church location, news and announcements, pastor's letter, teams and committees, event calendar and contacts.
Ocena strony:
3.0 / 5.0, język: English
Shows calendar, ministries, upcoming events, worship schedule and contacts.
Ocena strony:
3.0 / 5.0, język: English
Offers overview, worship, sermons, ministries, membership information, calendar and study.
Ocena strony:
3.0 / 5.0, język: English
Provides history, leadership, audio sermons, calendar, fellowship, worship schedule, monthly newsletter and contact information.
Ocena strony:
3.0 / 5.0, język: English
Contains announcements, calendar, worship schedule, outreach, fellowship, pastor's corner and ministries.
Ocena strony:
3.0 / 5.0, język: English
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