Strony podobne do Cletocriste.Wordpress.Com
Art by Cleto Criste
opis: Figurative charcoal drawings, ink sketches, paintings and graphic designs are shown and discussed by this Hawaii-based artist. Weblog format.
Popularne wyszukiwania: cletocriste wordpress, wordpress cletocriste
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3.0 / 5.0, przeglądowi przez Sites Like Search
język: English
tematy stron: visual
Retrospective (from 1975) of photographic works and artist books. Text in English, Italian, and French.
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3.0 / 5.0, język: English
fine artist's website, drawer using technology within fine art practice.
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3.0 / 5.0, język: English
Listing of all known works and a bibliography for this British surrealist artist and writer. No images shown.
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3.0 / 5.0, język: English
Abstract, landscape and fractal art on paper using oil pastel and digital media by this Texas-based artist.
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3.0 / 5.0, język: English
Understanding Care and Attention to the Elderly
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3.0 / 5.0, język: English
Easy to use website building tool for your professional or personal website and blog, web hosting, domain registration, email and more at!
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3.0 / 5.0, język: English
Miguel Cerejido. Cuban/Canadian artist's collection of original works inspired by music and the images music generates in his personal sensibility.
Ocena strony:
3.0 / 5.0, język: English
Art infused with Science
Ocena strony:
3.0 / 5.0, język: English
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